• Our brand speciality
  • Twice the pleasure
  • Deeply relaxing experience
  • Strengthens the libido

An invitation that you cannot refuse

Our massage Kleopatra bears the name of an ancient ruler, who became an eternal symbol of female seductiveness, sexuality and flamboyance.

The very name conjures up images of refined sensuous enjoyment, which is exactly what you can expect from this procedure.

Kleopatra is a specialty of our company. You can get no massage like it anywhere else.

Double the hands that know how to please

To make this exciting experience really enjoyable, two masseuses, working on your body in unity will be needed.

Kleopatra is a sensual duet requiring a perfect harmony of both masseuses to enable you to feel the greatest erotic pleasure.

Our specialty can be equally enjoyed by both men and women, though it is particularly sought after by men's clientele.


Let yourself be treated like ancient rulers

Intense pleasure during the massage and positive impact on your health and psyche - these are the reasons that should move you to order it!

Classical massage… and more than that

If you are already acquainted with our classical erotic massage, the method in this one will look familiar. Yet Kleopatra can offer even more.

As everywhere, even here stands that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

This massage is therefore not only twice the standard, but offers even more added value.

Words cannot express enough – you need to feel it on your own body.

Look forward to a deeply relaxing experience

All of our massages positively and profoundly affect both body and mind, relax the muscles, enhance libido and help to reduce accumulated stress and worries of our hasty times.

If a simple massage by a single masseuse can offer such a deep relief, a sensual massage by two masseuses works wonders.


Try our specialty and you will soon require a repetition

Compared to a standard massage, the benefits are unparalleled.

What to prepare for?

No special preparation is needed. We will arrange everything for you. Just come relaxed and in a good mood and everything will go smoothly.

Before the massage a warm shower awaits you into which you can be accompanied by both masseuses so as to “break the ice”. Then you’ll lie on a comfortable massage bed and let our professionals showcase their art on your body.

Both girls may be completely naked or dressed in an erotic lingerie – it is up to you what you prefer.

Nothing goes unnoticed

Both masseuses will thoroughly attend to your every muscle, not leaving out your erogenous zones – quite the contrary. Look forward to a captivating delight, undoubtedly involving an intense climax.

The atmosphere will be charged and brimming with intense eroticism, contributed to by aromatic oils, candles and a suggestive atmosphere of the salon.

Once the massage is complete, you can tie it up with another shower together with both girls before you say goodbye.

Massage in the comfort of your home

Are you reluctant or unable to visit our salon?

Thanks to our escort service around Prague and the surrounding area we can visit you in your home or in your hotel room and provide you with exactly the same services as in out salon.

Contact us

In the comfort of familiar surroundings or in the fantastic interior of our salon - our special massage will refresh and fill you with new energy always and everywhere. Contact us to find masseuses that you fancy, and experience everything first hand!

We do not provide direct sex under any circumstances.