Indian erotic art and philosophy have a tradition reaching back many centuries, and tantra massage is based both on them and on modern massage techniques.
Thanks to the skill of our masseuses you too can experience on your own body what this unique combination of esoteric principles and physical sensuality can do.
This massage is of course a gentle ritual, which mobilizes and releases a tremendous amount of sexual energy.
But it is also an opportunity to transcend the moment of physical sensuality, to abandon yourself for a while and view your intimacy from an unexpected perspective.
Nothing prevents you to undergo this procedure together with your partner.
Sensitively conducted joint massage with pre-set rules may offer a deeply intimate experience that can strengthen and refresh your relationship.
This massage is a holistic procedure. It doesn’t leave out even a centimetre of your body including the erogenous zones.
For the massage to be perfect, you will also need to comply with a conscious breathing technique that will amplify the whole experience.
As with each of our massages, this one too will be preceded by a shower, which you can enjoy by yourself or with a masseuse or masseur.
You will then find yourself on a comfortable bed in an intimate setting, dimly lit by aromatic candles and accompanied by appropriate music.
You will be quickly taught the principles of correct breathing, required to smoothen the following minutes.
After that, you can move on to the massage itself.
Everything begins with light, gentle, relaxing touches.
You can also look forward to be petted with the help of titillating and teasing objects, such as fine fur or ostrich feathers, which arouse both physical excitement and imagination.
It is during these moments that all your worries will gradually leave you and you may enter a light, trance-like state.
Experienced fingers they will then touch you everywhere, including the erogenous zones.
Sophisticated techniques will maximize your excitement to the point you never thought possible.
Throughout the massage enormous amounts of energy gradually accumulate until being released in an ecstatic climax.
However, this massage fills you with more than just a physical pleasure. You will leave with a feeling of love and tenderness, which was given to you, you will leave with a sense of relief and rejuvenation.
It can also affect your inner self, rid you of fear, shame or complexes pertaining to your body and sexuality. It is therefore an experience equally erotic and therapeutic.
If you underwent it together with a spouse or a partner, it can also be a great impetus for the further deepening of your relationship.
Treat yourself to the tantric experience with us. Absolute physical and mental relaxation and the possibility of an intimate, mystical encounter – all is possible. Daily between 9 and 15 hours you can also get a special discount on this massage.
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